Welcome to our websites about the natural horsemanship! Relationship building, foals starting, problematic horses, beginner education, special tricks, better performance...:IVANA & JIŘÍ BENDOVI

Welcome to our websites about the natural horsemanship! Relationship building, foals starting, problematic horses, beginner education, special tricks, better performance...

Information about the method. How does it works? Is it suitable for your horse?
Natural horse-man ship is a way of horse and people training, which focuse on safe, effective and friendly relationship. In fact it is much more education than physical training. This is not a special sport or discipline. The natural horse-man ship is a way of comunication. It can be used for horses of different age and purpose. Natural training is a language which horses understand and which can be used for comunication.

Natural training prepares a well dirigable horse compliant to follow any of your orders. It is wery useful especially in young horses, where this way of training helps to shorten the preparation for further utilisation. In horses younger than three years, the ground work remains the only way of training. However, the ground work is the most effective way to build a firm relationship and to teach the horse the principal skills needed for the further riding carrier.
On the other hand, this can also help you to better understand your horse and to improve your sport performance.
Finally, for some problematic horses this is the only way to manage them and to eliminate the problem. Using the natural hore man ship within the training can help you to understand your horse much better.

Natural horse man ship allows a man - the more intelligent beeing, to understand a horse - those, which are behaving like horses and which understand instinctive human behaviour wrong. That is the main principle of natural horse man ship. It says, if we want to understand horses and to make them loyal friends, we have to learn „the horse speech“.
That is, the man naturally behaves like a predator, even if he does not think so. On the other hand horses behave naturally like capture animals. This is the most important reason of misunderstanding between people and horses.
To be able to communicate with our horses, we need to learn how to modify our manners. This can make us clear and understandable for horses. Reversely we require horses to override their fear and to understand and obey our orders.

The concrete training scheme depends on the customer whishes and skills, the horse utilisaton, its age, experience and personality.
However there are some basic pronciples of natural horse training. They must be observed according to the safety and effectivity of the training:
  • According to Pat Parelli method, I teach easyer and basic skills first. It is necessary to learn the most important rules and principles at the beginning of the training. This makes the further relationship pleasant and safe for both the hors and the man. The reliable base in the training allows you to fully utilise the horse skills the way you whish.
  • Good relationship with the horse depends on the ballance of the horse trust and the respect. Horses are inntelligent enough even to learn some difficult exercises. But their compliancy to really do them depends on sufficient respect and trust to "their man". Therefor I teach my students how to recognise the lack of the horse trust or the insufficient respect the horse gives them. I teach them also, how to manage these problems. (For instance: The horse, which is afraid of the rised hand, will never follow any hand made orders, however he understand them well. Instead of that, the horse will struggle to run away. Consequently such reaction will be often seen as disobedience or horse stupidity.) It is not easy every time to distinguish a fear from the horse disobedience. In fact, the final horse behaviour results often from fear, disobedience and the lack of trust which are mixed together.
  • Durin the training the "horse language" is used. Horses use mainly the body language for communication. Therefore it is necessary to concentrate on the horse visual signals such as the limbs, head and ear position. It is also necessarry to answer them properly. The visual signals made by our own body movements are much more obvious for the horse than any spoken orders. Even if the vocal orders can be useful, they can never substitute the physical and visual orders.
  • The training programme is carryed out according to the customer's wishes. On the other hand it must be adapted according to the horse condition. In calm horses without any serious mishabits, the natural training can become a part of usuall work. Otherwise in problematic horses the daily management needs to be changed generally. The temporary restrictions are used to make all the horse handling safe and effective.
  • Above all in young or problematic horses the training starts with a ground work. The ground work is more safe and effective way of training both for people and for horses. By the ground work it is possible to teach horses the majority of the knowledge they need in the further riding career.
  • I explain all the used techniques to let the people to understand them during any lesson. The understanding of all the practise is the most important presumption for further authority and horse loyality. During the first instruction, I usually show the desired exercise with the horse. Afterwards the horse owner (the rider) is guided through the same, to learn the techique. Finally the skill can be successfully managed only by the regular practising.

    THE EQUIPMENT:Equipment
    For the ground training is very useful the string head collar and so called "Parelli leader".
  • Advantages of the string headcollar are the gentle preasure on the horse nose when it is just hanging and good effectivity when the horse pull.
  • The leader mentioned above is made of flexible dense rope, which allows a good grip and also deliver all fine movements to the horse head. The most used is 3,8 meters long rope, which is the best for beginners and basic work. It is also available us 7 and 15 meters long for advanced training.
  • Within the training also common equipment can be used, but it is usually not suitable that much.
  • On the other hand I usually use some extraordinary tools such as (plastic bags, PET bottles, brooms, stable shovels, parts of dress,...) which can be greatly effective in special situations.
  • For the natural training, the natural enviroment is the most suitable. It is possible to work almost anywhere. The place must be larg enough and safe with a suitable surface to eliminate the risk of any injury or accident during the lesson. No special corral is needed. In some horses it is even necessary to change the place of training often.

    The natural way of training is suitable for every horse, donkey and their crossbreed.
  • In not problematic horses it is the best way how to improve the relationship with the horse. Frequently it improves the sport results also.
  • In problematic horses the natural training is the best and wery often the only way how to solve the problem.
  • Natural training is the best choice for everyone who is looking for the alternative way of the relationship with his horse. This can be for example the possibility to work with the horse from the ground, ride the horse without any equipement, chance to make your horse come at any time from anywhere, or to send him wherever you whish. It is the opportunity to train the horse to be loyal and well-content as a good dog.
  • Natural training can be used already for the youngest foals, more intensively than after the six months of age. Younger horses are learning much easyer and it is possible to prepare them with minimal stress for the further riding carrier. Horses treated this way can easily start their physical training when they mature. This reduce the stress and time necessarry for the horse preparing.
  • Horses can learn a lot of useful and necessary skills, but it is also easy to use the natural training to teach the horse some tricks just for fun. It only depends on your whish and the patiency.

  • Natural training programme allows us to work with horses the way we want and the way we enjoy.
  • To fall often off the horse is not normal. Everyone who fall often off the horse is most likely doing anything wrong. I am against falling!
  • If you have a problem with your horse, it does not mean that you are silly and thumby. May be you did not get the proper advice yet.
  • Well trained horse can supply a dog easily and up to that he can give you a lift.
  • Horses are not stupid, they only look like that when they are attempting to rune away from someone.
  • The horse can be a dangerous weapon!
  •     VIDEO (old web-pages)


        ABOUT US:

        Ivana Sopikova

        student of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University

        of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Czech Republic


        Jiri Benda

        doctor of veterinary medicine at clinique for small animals in Hradec

        Králové, Czech Republic




        The price of lectures is listed in the price list.
        The price of courses for larger groups will be discussed individually.

        E-mail adress: "



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